
Student Life at Pine Ridge School
"Wolakota" (a whole person in balance and harmony: spiritually, physically, mentally and socially)
Pine Ridge School students experience a learning environment with opportunities to become Wolakota. The Oglala Lakota tribe's values, perspectives, attitudes, beliefs, social consciousness and responsible behaviors are incorporated into our educational program. Our Thorpes become skillful, life-long learners with the guidance and support of their tiyospaye (extended family).
“For self, family, community and nation.”
Pine Ridge School strengthens our Waziahanhan Owayawa Tiospaye by demonstrating our Lakota Values and the concept of Ikopesni Ihanblapo, drawing knowledge from the past, enhancing the present and embracing the future for the well-being of self, family, community and nation.
Students benefit from a tight-knit school community governed by our respect for Maka Sitomni (everything on Mother Earth). Our Lakota culture recognizes the unique needs of each student, which requires individualized, effective and supportive learning experiences.
The Pine Ridge School student’s life is focused on achieving academic success through various support programs. We aim to support students through the learning process and finish their educational plans on time. Key student life initiatives include:
- After-school homework support/tutoring - Available to all students, this program offers after-school assistance with homework and tutoring for those failing a class.
- After-school program - Students who are behind in credits can enroll in computer-assisted credit recovery classes, which allow them to work at their own pace and earn credit upon completion.
- Advisory class - High school students can enroll in advisory classes for guidance, attendance monitoring and academic support.
- Summer school and summer programs - During the summer, Opportunities for credit recovery, acceleration and various enrichment activities are offered.
- Support services - Tailored support is provided for students with unique learning and behavioral needs, including extended school year options.