
Our School
Pine Ridge School is located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of the Oglala Lakota Nation. It provides accredited educational services to approximately 1,000 Oglala Lakota children in kindergarten through 12th grade. The school influence is felt throughout the state and nation, but more directly in the village and surrounding area, serving the towns of Batesland, Porcupine, Manderson, Oglala, and Kyle. Covering approximately 311 square miles, Pine Ridge School has a major impact on the heritage and future of approximately 20,000 residents. The Oglala Lakota Nation remains the second largest Indian reservation in the United States, comprised of approximately 2.8 million acres or 4,353 square miles – an area twice the size of Delaware. It is a Tribal Nation with a history as rich as any culture with its own way of life, language, values, and customs.
The Vision is that each student be given the opportunity to become "Wolakota" (a whole person in balance and harmony: spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially). The values, perspectives, attitudes, beliefs, social consciousness, and responsible behavior in the "Tiyospaye" (extended family) and respect for "Maka Sitomni" (everything on Mother Earth) all relate to Wolakota permeate all aspects of the Lakota Culture. Pine Ridge School recognizes that each student is an individual with unique and different needs. Pine Ridge School will provide an effective and supportive learning experience.
Pine Ridge School strengthens our Waziahanhan Owayawa Tiospaye to become effective life - long learners demonstrating our Lakota Values and the concept of Ikopesni Ihanblapo in order to draw knowledge from the past, enhance the present, and embrace the future for the well - being of self, family, community, and nation.
Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP)
During the 2023-24 school year, Pine Ridge School implemented the Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP) initiative – a digital learning portal with a blended learning approach. Our students can now maximize this opportunity by accessing the digital learning portal with a 1:1 student-laptop usage ratio. This approach gives our students every advantage with integrated applications, such as personalized and assessment-based math and reading curriculum, Native language and culture educational programs, and accelerated learning strategies for our tailored instruction. Every one of our students will benefit from dynamic teaching tools that use state-of-the-art resources. Pine Ridge School’s team of dedicated educators is committed to the growth and development of your children - tomorrow’s leaders.