Student Services

Pine Ridge High School Student Services
Academic Support Programs
Pine Ridge School is committed to helping students achieve academic success through various support programs. These programs aim to keep students on track with their education plans and ensure timely graduation. Key initiatives include:
- After School Homework Support/Tutoring - Available to all students, this program offers after-school assistance with homework and tutoring for those failing a class.
- After School Program - Students behind in credits can enroll in computer-assisted credit recovery classes, allowing them to work at their own pace and earn credit upon completion.
- Advisory Class - High school students can enroll in advisory classes for guidance, attendance monitoring, and academic support.
- Summer School and Summer Programs - Opportunities for credit recovery, acceleration, and various enrichment activities are offered during the summer.
- Support Services - Tailored support is provided for students with special learning and behavioral needs, including extended school year options.
Heart Room
The Heart Room is a dedicated space available for students facing emotional challenges that may impact their learning. Students can self-refer or be referred by staff, and utilize the space to reflect, revitalize, and regroup with support. The room is a device-free zone, and the duration of stay is determined based on individual needs.
Extra-curricular Activities
In addition to core content, PRHS offers a range of extracurricular activities subject to budget availability. These include hand games, science fair, athletic/PE programs, music/band club, and computers, Response to Intervention (RTI), flute society, student council, art club, Lakota language/culture, career fair, rodeo club, archery club, powwow club, STEM club, college visits, and more.
National Honor Society
Students achieving a cumulative GPA of 3.50 may be invited to join the National Honor Society based on scholarship, service, and character. Induction ceremonies are held annually during the fourth quarter, and eligibility is determined by counselors and the assistant principal.
Homecoming, Winter Sports Festival, and Prom Court Selection
Candidates for Homecoming, Winter Sports Festival, and Prom Court must have participated in at least one extracurricular activity during the current or previous year.
For more information on any of these programs or services, students and parents are encouraged to reach out to the school's main office.